I got a kick out of this man. Your vocals didn't sound to bad either. How much did you pitch shift them? Anyway kinda cool interesting to say the least haha.
I got a kick out of this man. Your vocals didn't sound to bad either. How much did you pitch shift them? Anyway kinda cool interesting to say the least haha.
I think I pitch shifted the lower one about twice, but the higher one I didn't.
Holy shit
I thought I reviewed this days ago. Oh well I'm doing it now at least hehe. I was suprised with the vocals actually I always pictured this with some kind of black metal vocals. They turned out pretty good though they were a bit quiet in most parts. The solo was pretty fucking cool so damn good job on that Bad Man.
Obviously I loved the song before so with vocals it's fucking good too. Great job guys.
Thanks for the review. Do you have MSN?
Sorry I've been lazy and haven't reviewed this one yet. Like Darkside said the quality was a little low. Guitars were kinda muddy but the riffs were cool as hell. I liked the little lead you threw on it fit nicely. Not bad at all for a jam.
Hahaha, you lazy fucker! Yeah, I was fiddling with the eq. Got a couple other jams, that I might post later on with different eq settings. Looking for the right ones. Can always count on you and Darkside to help me out there. Thanks for sittin on your lazy ass and reviewing!!hahahaha\m/
I liked your disortion sounded pretty damn good. The tune overall sounds a lot better than it did before. Great job man.
Thanks speedy! With experience comes quality I guess. ;)
Hammerfall kickass so you've got some good taste. Cool loop man sounded great.
Thanx, yeah indeed HammerFall kick ass...
A bit more original than I thought it was going to be. I liked the drums and the rhythm guitar they sounded good. The lead sounded nice too did you do the vibrato yourself or did you use a pedal? Anyway man good job on this cover.
Thaaank you...the vibrato was sumkinda mix of chorus,delay and reverb i made with the toneport gearbox so i didnt do the vibrato myself...enjoy your reviews, keep on reviewing!
You bastard you beat me to the punch. I've been wanting to make a metal version of this forever, Oh well I was just too damn lazy about it.
Great job on the tune overall.The rhythm guitar was nice and tight. The leads sounded a bit rough but it didn't totally screw up anything. The drums were good all around no real complaints from me.
Hehe, bastardized i guess... sorry anyway.... good i didnt totally screw up anything ;P...thanx for the review!
Well it wasn't that great sorry...Though it sounds like you're still a beginner so no worries.
How long have you been playing man? You should keep practicing and get better then kick some serious ass. If you want I can e-mail you some websites with various lessons and whatnot. Also what gear did you use? You know what guitar,amp program do you have?
Thanks for the review. I've had my guitar for a little more than a year and it's a Fender starter kit...pack... thing. A Squier Strat and I'm not sure exactly what kind of amp, but it's small. I had to record this quickly, so I could probably do better if I tried it again....
It seemed to be really muffled though which sucked but it was a cool song none the less. It even had bass. What program did you use for drums? They sounded a lot different than usual. The riffs were great you did a really good job writing the song all around. The vocals kicked ass so no complaints there.
If any flash author's want some custom music for their flash just let me know. I'd be more than happy to try and help you out.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 6/9/05