Holy shit man
This sounds awesome. Your getting a lot better with your production quality. Drums are sounding great and you rhythm playing kicked ass. FlameMesial was tearing it up really nicely. That little bastard can play his ass off.
Holy shit man
This sounds awesome. Your getting a lot better with your production quality. Drums are sounding great and you rhythm playing kicked ass. FlameMesial was tearing it up really nicely. That little bastard can play his ass off.
Flame also was responsible for the final mastering of this...he did however teach me the ways in some post production! So fuck man...between you and him and DarksidE teachin me all this stuff..Too bad we all didnt live closer. Be a cool band for sure!!
Glad you liked it Speedy!!\m/
Your are really good at conveying emotions with your music. The piano of course had a wonderful sound to it and the strings in the background really added to it. All around another great track man.
And of course it's good to see you took a good look around and like some of the stuff enough to respond to it. Was this piece as good for u as it was for me? :P
This really sounded amazing. That piano was perfect it really sounded beautiful. The strings were also great. All around I really enjoyed listening to this track. I'll be listening to your music more often now I think.
Ahhh... SpeedMetalMessiah... what an honor to be visited by you and with such a great review. I've heard some of your stuff as well and find it to be quite good as well. I'll look around it again... and u have plenty to choose from here :). Thanks Mate.
Wasn't bad
The drums sounded ok and the rhythm sounded alright.The lead though bugged me because it sounded really thin.You should add some delay or reverb and maybe a little chorus to thicken it up some.With some tweaking this would kick ass.
Thanx for the adwise!
I used to watch this when I was bored early in the morning. All around it wasn't too bad but it could use a drum track. The end also sounded a little wierd like the connection was dying or something. I got a kick out of it so good job.
Glad to see you enjoyed it but I'm surprised you think it would benefit from a drum track, considering the original doesn't have any drums and that it's little more than a fan fare. As for the end I could think how best to end it so I just let the lead feedback and I rattled out that riff for a while.
Fuck yeah you geezer!!!
Kickass test here. I love that riff after the clean intro it's really simple but heavy and just plain cool. Nice heavy tone you had throughout and a cool little tune all around. The samples are sounding great. I really like the snare you chose sounds kickass. Can't wait to hear some more from you man.
Thanks man,can't wait to make more. I kept most of this tune within the first 3 frets, cause my shoulder is too fucked to walk all over the neck. The snare sounds real nice, and I'm really happy with the kick too. I think this will be my new set. Thanks for those! \m/Cymbals and shit still pending.
Hell yeah!!!
This kicked ass my friend.Your playing was great in this.Your tone was good and you didn't play out of time.All around kickass job man can't wait to hear your next.
YES!! Finally! I've managed that the great King of audio reviews is satiesfied with one of my tunes. :)
I know I didn't submit in awhile. I've had my reasons. I wanted to get a better equipment first and more exp. at recording things. I think I've gotten better on it. I also have to thank Metalcan, that old Ghostbuster ;), cause he really helped me with things around cubase.
I'll try my best to submit tunes more frequently now. Promised. ;)
Thanks again speedy, you've made my day. :D
If any flash author's want some custom music for their flash just let me know. I'd be more than happy to try and help you out.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 6/9/05