It just isn't very long.Everything sounds great though as usual so do you know when the flash is coming out?I'd like to see how he used this one.Sorry it's not much of a review but I just woke up.Great job my viking friend.
It just isn't very long.Everything sounds great though as usual so do you know when the flash is coming out?I'd like to see how he used this one.Sorry it's not much of a review but I just woke up.Great job my viking friend.
Jeez, You're not even at MSN!
Anyways, It should come either later today or tomorrow as far as i know.
Leave him a review as well, He'll apprieciate it :D
Thanks! You heard one of my sketches for it, and you know i wasnt pleased, so i took the basic from it and added some stuff ! and i got epic song! :D
What a song I haven't reviewed??????????????
Oh well now I have all of your songs reviewed haha.I liked it just like the other it still has a great sound for one of your earlier songs.In this one there is some static but oh well it was still nice to listen to.
I think that its at least half-decent for my first orchestral (extended)
but i am glad i submitted it :)
Pretty cool
The guitar was badass and crystal clear.The only thing I didn't like was that really annoying thing in the background.I'm guessing those were supposed to be the drums that was the only part I didn't like.Your playing fucking ruled and is why I'm giving high votes that drum thing was really annoying.Overall cool tune man.
Yeah, thanks mate, good to hear that I improved on the clarity and finally a review for the track. ;)
The "drumt hing" was the original NES tune, I already wrote that this was made in an "experimental" way. I wanted to do something like "retro vs. metal" ^^
Thanks again for the review and the vote. ;)
Is this really you playing sounded great man.You played it really well and I'm glad to see you put something new up.I haven't heard the whole original yet but this sounded damn good.Keep it up man and hurry up and learn the rest so you can post it.
the rest of the song is really hard.... but it is achallenge i am prepared to take. its all neo-classical, with apregios.....
cheers fo rhte review dude
Haven't seen you around in a long time.Glad to see you submitting again.I liked the riffs and the drums sounded great.You must have really cranked the lows on the second guitar.The solo was pretty cool and all around this is a cool song man.
Yeah, I have been pretty quiet in the submitting game, but I'll have you know, I'm starting to come back! As far as the lows, I had them cranked so that the low notes could really come out. Thanx for the awesome review dude!
The midi in powertab sounds like crap.If you want you can send me the powertab and I'll see if I can record the guitar for you my email is in my profile.Good job on the drums though.
Well I didn't try very hard on this one. I just wanted something new to submit!
I do this alot, you know.
I would send you the powertab, but I don't wanna take these shitty loops too seriously, they only take 5 minutes each. I've made hundreds!!
But yeah, thanks for reviewing, it means alot.
Thanks for everything
Not bad
The only problem is the guitar is to quiet.Where do you guys record?You should also look into a better mic but then again I have no room to talk my mic was cheaper than yours hahaha.Anyway man pretty cool.
well, in our basement, its a big room connected to 2 bedrooms. one is my bed room, and the other is wherre everything is. and the computer is shoved RIGHT in the corner. so we stretch the mic all the way from our tower to a little bit outside the door just so we can sqeeze some sound out of it.
then we edit from there.
trust me, if we left it unmastered, it would be entire shit :P
and me and my bro are looking at geting a Mac for recording and a mastering board at this shop for only like, 400$.
thanks for the review!
If any flash author's want some custom music for their flash just let me know. I'd be more than happy to try and help you out.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 6/9/05